● Complete and pass a WA State Background Check
● Complete CPR/ First Aid Training Class
● Arrives no later than 8:45 and be prepared to welcome children at 9am sharp and is responsible for
cleaning classrooms per cleaning guidelines until 12:30p
● Responsible for supervising and providing guidance to children during free play, crafts and circle time
● Follows discipline procedures as outlined in the MDO Parent Handbook
● Attends parent orientation
● Responsible for snack distribution and cleanup in all classrooms
● Reports to Daily Director
BOARD MEMBER (see available positions here)
Mom’s Day Out Board Terms of Position:
Board Members will serve June to June (except Treasurer) and meet monthly virtually or in person
Board Members will receive a copy of the Board Member Duties and the Policies & Procedures documents upon start of the position.
In the event a position is vacated during the year, the MDO Board will interview and appoint a new person to fill the position - at a minimum through the end of the school year.
Board Members will give one-month notice in writing should they need to resign from their duties prior to completion of their elected or appointed term.
Board Members will give notice in writing at the beginning of April if they will not be returning to the Board the following year.
Interviews for open positions for the following year will be held by May and the Board will vote and appoint positions prior to the end of the school year.
Vacating Board Members are responsible for training and transferring all applicable documents and information over to the new Member.
The Board reserves the right to remove a Member from their position at any time based on performance issues or other problems. Must have a 2/3 majority vote to remove a Board Member.
Board Members will attend Parent Orientation Night and be available to substitute in the classrooms in the event a teacher is ill.